Interactive Computer Modeling, Inc.

Interactive Computer Modeling, Inc.

1028 Glensprings Dr.

Knoxville, TN  37922 - 5227

713 - 462 - 3673

Providing Software for the Pipeline Industry Since 1984


Corporate Overview





Client Portfolio


Software Products

Pipeline Applications StudioTM

Liquid Pipeline Scheduling SystemTM

Pipeline Schematic ProfilerTM

Report Generation SystemTM

Data Table ProfilerTM


Software Design


Software Development


Project Management


User Documentation


Customer Support

Contact Us



Copyright  ©  2020

Interactive Computer Modeling, Inc.

All Rights Reserved







ICOM has learned that successful software and database incorporation is not possible without management, operations personnel, system designers,  programmers, and end-users working together to achieve a common goal.  Therefore, all of ICOM's software products and project efforts have been based on the positive experiences acquired over many years, through direct interaction with these parties.  In addition to this philosophy of direct client interaction, ICOM's business practices are guided by the following ideals:




To listen to its clients.

To maintain professionalism, integrity, and loyalty to its clients, company, and fellow workers at all times.

To provide superior software products and services.

To always maintain an expert level of understanding related to today’s software development issues within the pipeline industry.

To work efficiently and tenaciously to provide clear, specific, affordable software development solutions.