Interactive Computer Modeling, Inc.

Interactive Computer Modeling, Inc.

1028 Glensprings Dr.

Knoxville, TN  37922 - 5227

713 - 462 - 3673

Providing Software for the Pipeline Industry Since 1984


Corporate Overview





Client Portfolio


Software Products

Pipeline Applications StudioTM

Liquid Pipeline Scheduling SystemTM

Pipeline Schematic ProfilerTM

Report Generation SystemTM

Data Table ProfilerTM


Software Design


Software Development


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Copyright  ©  2020

Interactive Computer Modeling, Inc.

All Rights Reserved





















PAS:  Pipeline Applications Studio TM

ICOM's Pipeline Applications StudioTM (PAS) contains four integrated software products that address the same subject: pipeline scheduling.  These products are used to produce pipeline scheduling forecasts; make sophisticated scheduling calculations; present advanced graphical representations of a pipeline’s future disposition; configure system data; and create informative pipeline scheduling reports for mass distribution.  Since all four of these programs use the same Graphical User Interface (GUI), as well as share the same database tables and many common routines, it was necessary to develop a “single parent system” that would consolidate all of the redundant user interaction and programming features.  Therefore, ICOM created the Pipeline Applications StudioTM (PAS).  Some of the common features that are managed by the PAS software include:







Database logon.


Password configuration.


Management of detailed and comprehensive error messages.


A single user interaction menu and toolbar that can control the editing features of the other individual programs.


A single installation program for all applications.


Management of generic subroutines, objects, and database queries that are shared by all of the other individual programs.

Management of shared system registry features.  This includes the ability to remember the user’s last data acquisitions for a particular program and automatically present them the next time the user accesses the same program.