Interactive Computer Modeling, Inc.

Interactive Computer Modeling, Inc.

1028 Glensprings Dr.

Knoxville, TN  37922 - 5227

713 - 462 - 3673

Providing Software for the Pipeline Industry Since 1984


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Software Products

Pipeline Applications StudioTM

Liquid Pipeline Scheduling SystemTM

Pipeline Schematic ProfilerTM

Report Generation SystemTM

Data Table ProfilerTM


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Interactive Computer Modeling, Inc.

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RGS:  Report Generation System TM


The objective of the Report Generation System™ (RGS) is to enable a user to easily create multiple pipeline scheduling reports.  The data from these reports is maintained within ICOM’s Liquid Pipeline Scheduling SystemTM (LPSS) software.  The RGS can automatically export the data from these reports to Microsoft Excel and Text file formats.  These reports can then be viewed, edited, printed, or electronically distributed directly from within these native application environments.

The real benefit behind this process is that if a forecast must be changed, the user only makes the necessary changes in the LPSS software, reruns the scheduling simulation, and simply refreshes the reports.  This eliminates the need to manually re-enter results for publication to field personnel, pipeline operators, shippers, or connecting carriers just because a pipeline schedule was modified.  Finally, the fact that the report outputs are presented as Microsoft Excel Worksheets, makes it easier to distribute information.

The following explains some the features associated with the Report Generation System™.

The RGS supports a user defined report menu that allows one to setup the export folder, file, and type of format for a report.  When the report is created, it will be automatically copied to the configured folder and filename in the format specified.

The RGS software allows the user to access different versions of report menus for different pipeline systems.  For example, if a scheduler is responsible for scheduling two different pipeline systems, he or she may want to maintain a completely different menu of reports and default report parameters for each pipeline system. 

Once a master report template is designed, the RGS software allows the user to configure different parameters that are automatically transferred to the report when it is created.  These parameter values allow a scheduler to use a single master report template and then segregate, group, and/or mask selected data accordingly.  This feature is extremely valuable for the distribution of shipper, supplier, connecting carrier, and nomination reports where the dissemination of proprietary or sensitive information is an issue.

The user maintains the ability to highlight several reports on the RGS menu and, with a single command, invoke a process that will simultaneously create or update all of the reports.

Finally, the ability exists to preview a report within Microsoft Excel.  The user maintains the freedom to create new reports or simply review previously created reports at his or her discretion.