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Interactive Computer Modeling, Inc. |
1028 Glensprings Dr.Knoxville, TN 37922 - 5227713 - 462 - 3673 |
Providing Software for the Pipeline Industry Since 1984 |
Copyright © 2020 Interactive Computer Modeling, Inc. All Rights Reserved
DTP: Data Table Profiler TM |
The Data Table ProfilerTM (DTP) software was developed using ICOM's Corporate Application Template technology. It provides the user with a powerful interface to manipulate system configuration data within ICOM’s Pipeline Applications StudioTM software. All of ICOM’s products and projects maintain requirements for the user to view and manipulate information stored in configuration tables within a database. Examples of these tables include lists of pipeline names, pipeline locations, pipeline segments, companies, contact personnel, products and/or grades, batch book formats, batch routes, and inventory (tanks) accounts. The following is a list of some of the features associated with ICOM’s Data Table ProfilerTM software.
The DTP has the capability to acquire system data, based on preprogrammed SQL query commands. |
The DTP software allows one to activate and/or inactivate selected configuration items. This concept enables a user to hide old data that is not used on a daily basis but is still needed for data archiving purposes. |
The software provides the ability to insert and edit data directly on a grid, as opposed to using separate pop-up editing dialogs each time a row of data is to be modified. |
The user can increase or decrease the number of visible rows on a grid from a half screen (dialog) view to a full screen view or vice versa. |
The DTP allows for automatic cross-checking and verification of individual “child” data entries that are dependant on “parent” data entries. For example, the process of configuring a pipeline segment requires the user to enter the head and tail location that bounds the pipeline segment. Before accepting the entry of a segment (parent data), the DTP crosschecks the validity of the locations (child data) that were entered as bounding the pipeline segment. |
For subjects that restrict the possible number of valid entries, the user can type directly on the grid or utilize a dropdown combo box to issue the entry. Within the dropdown combo box, only those items that are valid for the selected data entry cell will be presented to the user. While this may seem a trivial feature, it is not. Often, the population of valid items within a combo box is based on the analysis of additional supporting data entries that accompany the current record. |
The DTP software possesses the ability to have a secondary table of data on a tab control that is relational to a configuration record on a primary table. However, this is not limited to a single “parent / child” relationship. The DTP allows a primary table to support multiple secondary relational tables by providing the user with multi-tab controls across the lower half of each configuration dialog. |